Interested in a group meet?

We are fund raising and happy to do an exchange!

Our Mission

`i come to talk story is a US nonprofit. We are a global virtual platform sharing humanities links that work.

Students using one's communities as classrooms, networking ER priorities locally and afar, gaining basic human nuts and bolts, via like ecosystem/season and subjects, can be a very efficient way for all to focus directly together.

We welcome all to reflect w/our site pages and come talk, sharing what works/what doesn't. As you and your community create upon humanity's options to create your local `plan prioritizing the `collectiv earth-space plan, interrelating, creating upon ideas w/a `transitional shift message board (TSMB). Where each able person posts one's needs/offerings or for one unable, while a rep posts for a group on to start one's local `plan, or in progress. To restore the ecological `enhanced healthy working communities, w/neighbors.

We suggest starting w/a natural local wild food potluck, w/follow up meets, celebrating along the way one's good fortunes to have such tools of the times to work together to go figure, earth/space in peace!

This allows people to share what all can relate to as each community can work into local food sovereignty, then on to energy and technology based on good stewardship when you do your local `plan. Rethinking land reform, ending Colonial grid modes. So locals work it/maintian sensitivly and seasonally all land, adding agro_ecological systems.

Contact us to see how best to communicate/have a conversation, one on one or w/a group, and lets co_evolve together. If locally in your area we are happy to get together. If not we can talk via skype or set up a teleconference w/a Hangout!

Your support in sharing and donations are welcome! Peace, <><><<>><<><><>><><<><><><>