Sincerely, We could not of done this alone, thank you!
Kara J Lincoln, speaking for our combined `effect...
ps If I can further answer or you want to share, email me! We want to keep this site and all sites free fro those without! If you have to give and want to Donate or Grant, please call and leave a message on Skype; 360-450-3749 or email; and state Re; support. We will get back to you! If we don't answer within a few days please email kara, here due to a tech error still working at;
`i come to talk story is a US 501.c3 Nonprofit Association. Our work is tax-exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Contributions may be taxable for you, we also will consider a grant. Our tax ID is EIN #51-0588120. Please let us know if you want to receive a receipt by email or mail if you decide to donate!
We rely on the generosity of Gov's, individuals, foundations, groups, for feedback and we welcome all to reach out where can, and share Humanity's solutions!
On this sight w/email; we are transitioning our virtual platform working w/Google's AdGrant respecting their policy to not offer any affiliates!
We want to keep `i come to talk story, free to all to get one's real needs met, so each can self reflect w/real stewards of the earth still living creating w/agro_ecology, so one gains the understanding of simple living respecting the life that sustains us all!
We hope the child within all continue to build healthy working communities, Some children are fortunate to build communities w/clay. and video games! Other's build bricks from earth to build their schoolhouse, as here below will also be a meeting place for many communities as well!
If 70 Ebola orphans and amputees in Sierra Leon, can mindfully act and build this w/the help of 2 men showing how to dig a well and make bricks on YouTube, then I think we all can join in to restore w/our skilled students to use all communities as classrooms, while co_evolving curriculum in every community on earth! Transitioning what works from others!
Joseph, a young man I'm so proud of, for all the good work he does to help this community of orphans and amputees! Thank you Joseph as well your helpers! See more of them on Nabble ! Thank you 2 men on YouTube showing how to,dig well! There project is not for just them but to welcome communities to learn to do the same and more, as Joseph wants to work with us sharing Humanity's solutions to all! And we will locate the name, Joseph please share w/me their names!
Please share while you do your walkabout for you and your community's local plans w/neighbors, realizing we all must be on top of the earth-space toxic to rid, as no more can we just live local!
See more and join in on our transitioning of all sites as we welcome you to help us create the best earth-space virtual platform to link w/yours and others, so all earthlings get one's real needs met, no longer chasing delusions or riding on others wave, or misuse-abuse, etc.!
Local plans reflect Humanity's solutions, so all feel real energy to want to preserve and save the much complex life now dying due to the 6th mass extinction and more from many yet to be aware of how it truly sustains our ability to think clear and have energy to mindfully act!
I thank Nabble and Google! As they too, transitioning to help earthlings and can help you too!